Arkham Horror LCG: Edge of the Earth Campaign Expansion
Arkham Horror LCG: Edge of the Earth Campaign Expansion je rozšírenie pre kooperatívnu kartovú hru Arkham Horror: The Card Game LCG. Prináša viac ako 300 kariet scenárov do kampane Edge of the Earth. Toto rozšírenie spoločenskej hry Arkham Horror: The Card Game je v angličtine a tento jazyk je na jeho hranie potrebný, preto aj popis ďalej uvádzame v anglickom jazyku: In the far, uncharted reaches of Antarctica, unspeakable horrors dwell on the edge of shadows. They lurk, wait, and watch, and with them comes a secret so ancient and profound that it threatens to tear apart our very understanding of the planet we call home—if it doesn’t tear apart reality itself first. Thus, our intrepid investigators must delve into the mysteries of the great southern ice sheets and, hopefully, uncover the truth before it is too late. Will they save the world? Or will they perish in the icy depths? The Edge of the Earth Campaign Expansion has no player cards in sight. Instead, this expansion contains over 300 scenario cards to support the entirety of the Edge of the Earth campaign, including the materials for a breathtaking new story, branching paths, and more. The best part? All you need is a core set and a copy of this expansion to jump right into this chilling tale—no other materials required! While we will no longer be releasing monthly Mythos packs going forward, this single expansion contains about the same amount of content as an entire cycle from the old release model. It’s a full campaign all in one package!
Odporúčaný vek:
14 rokov
Dĺžka hry:
60 min.
Počet hráčov:
1-2 hráči
Jazyk hry:
66,99 €
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Doprava od 3,59 €, pri nákupe nad 69,99 € dopravu neplatíte! Osobný odber na predajni máte zadarmo.
Popis hry

Arkham Horror LCG: Edge of the Earth Campaign Expansion je rozšírenie pre kooperatívnu kartovú hru Arkham Horror: The Card Game LCG. Prináša viac ako 300 kariet scenárov do kampane Edge of the Earth.

Toto rozšírenie spoločenskej hry Arkham Horror: The Card Game je v angličtine a tento jazyk je na jeho hranie potrebný, preto aj popis ďalej uvádzame v anglickom jazyku:

In the far, uncharted reaches of Antarctica, unspeakable horrors dwell on the edge of shadows. They lurk, wait, and watch, and with them comes a secret so ancient and profound that it threatens to tear apart our very understanding of the planet we call home—if it doesn’t tear apart reality itself first. Thus, our intrepid investigators must delve into the mysteries of the great southern ice sheets and, hopefully, uncover the truth before it is too late. Will they save the world? Or will they perish in the icy depths?

The Edge of the Earth Campaign Expansion has no player cards in sight. Instead, this expansion contains over 300 scenario cards to support the entirety of the Edge of the Earth campaign, including the materials for a breathtaking new story, branching paths, and more. The best part? All you need is a core set and a copy of this expansion to jump right into this chilling tale—no other materials required! While we will no longer be releasing monthly Mythos packs going forward, this single expansion contains about the same amount of content as an entire cycle from the old release model. It’s a full campaign all in one package!

Počet hráčov:
1-2 hráči
Dĺžka hry:
60 min.
Odporúčaný vek:
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