Arkham Horror LCG: The Dunwich Legacy Exp.
Toto rozšírenie spoločenskej hry Arkham Horror: The Card Game je v angličtine a tento jazyk je na jeho hranie potrebný, preto aj popis ďalej uvádzame v anglickom jazyku: Several months ago, three Miskatonic University professors armed themselves with secret knowledge, traveled to Dunwich, and brought an end to the strange and terrifying creature that had been terrorizing the secluded village. Now their story continues in The Dunwich Legacy expansion for Arkham Horror: The Card Game. Your mentor, Dr. Armitage, was one of those three professors. When his colleagues go missing, he fears the worst and asks for your help. With its five mini cards and 156 full-size cards, The Dunwich Legacy challenges you to find the missing professors, launching you into a campaign that leads to Miskatonic University, the notorious Clover Club, and beyond. Five new investigators arrive to offer their services, and you can arm them with fifty-nine new player cards (including a complete playset of each). Pursue new deck-building strategies and new styles of play. You’ll need all the help you can get as you play the expansion’s two scenarios and encounter all manner of new terrors – from backroom thugs and bad luck to arcane hexes and wholly unnatural abominations.
Odporúčaný vek:
14 rokov
Dĺžka hry:
60-120 min.
Počet hráčov:
1-2 hráči
Jazyk hry:
32,99 €
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