Arkham Horror LCG: The Lair of Dagon
Arkham Horror LCG: The Lair of Dagon je piate rozširenie v cykle The Innsmouth Conspiracy. Na hranie budete potrebovať základnú hru Arkham Horror: The Card Game.  Toto rozšírenie spoločenskej hry Arkham Horror: The Card Game je v angličtine a tento jazyk je na jeho hranie potrebný, preto aj popis ďalej uvádzame v anglickom jazyku: The separate timelines of your Innsmouth investigations are quickly converging, as the pieces of your memory begin to click into place. You’ve seen uncanny happenings and sinister meetings, and it’s clear that the Esoteric Order of Dagon lies at the heart of the conspiracy. It’s time for you to step across the nightmare frontier and venture into the Order’s decrepit and crumbling halls… and the tidal caves that lie beneath. As The Innsmouth Conspiracy cycle approaches its climactic conclusion, you’ll find the next chapter of the unfolding story within The Lair of Dagon Mythos Pack, beckoning the investigators deeper into danger and closer to the heart of the sea. You’ll need new tools and skills if you plan to take the Order of Dagon head-on, and fortunately, this Mythos Pack comes filled with an assortment of new player cards for every aspect, giving you the perfect cards to upgrade your deck as you gain more experience and ramp up to the finale of your campaign. Not a standalone expansion. Arkham Horror: The Card Game Core Set and The Innsmouth Conspiracy deluxe expansion required to play.
Odporúčaný vek:
14 rokov
Dĺžka hry:
60-120 min.
Počet hráčov:
1-2 hráči
Jazyk hry:
17,99 €
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Predajňa BB: Objednáme pre vás
Doprava od 3,59 €, pri nákupe nad 69,99 € dopravu neplatíte! Osobný odber na predajni máte zadarmo.
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