kniha Terraforming Mars: Edge of Catastrophe
Edge of Catastrophe je román z prostredia herného sveta Mars: Teraformace/Terraforming Mars. Ide o napínavý sci-fi thriller, odohrávajúci sa neprekvapivo na Marse, počas 26. storočia. Ide o druhú časť zamýšľanej trilógie. Kniha má mäkkú väzbu (paperback). Kniha je v angličtine. In the 26th century, Mars is thriving: the huge crater made by the crashed moon of Deimos is now a vast domed city, buzzing with industry and a burgeoning Martian-born and immigrant workforce. Ecoline scientist Mel Erdan is at the forefront of vital research to feed and maintain Mars’ increasing population. But when her viral enhancer transforms lush green plants into a blackened swathe of dead crops, it triggers a wave of violent unrest across Deimos City, and Mel is accused of deliberately sabotaging Mars’ fragile viability. With resources rapidly dwindling, conspiracy theories flying, and criminal gangs rioting, Mel must prove her innocence, uncover the truth, and revitalise Mars’ harvest before it’s too late – for everyone.
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Popis a obsah hry

Edge of Catastrophe je román z prostredia herného sveta Mars: Teraformace/Terraforming Mars. Ide o napínavý sci-fi thriller, odohrávajúci sa neprekvapivo na Marse, počas 26. storočia. Ide o druhú časť zamýšľanej trilógie. Kniha má mäkkú väzbu (paperback). Kniha je v angličtine.

In the 26th century, Mars is thriving: the huge crater made by the crashed moon of Deimos is now a vast domed city, buzzing with industry and a burgeoning Martian-born and immigrant workforce. Ecoline scientist Mel Erdan is at the forefront of vital research to feed and maintain Mars’ increasing population. But when her viral enhancer transforms lush green plants into a blackened swathe of dead crops, it triggers a wave of violent unrest across Deimos City, and Mel is accused of deliberately sabotaging Mars’ fragile viability. With resources rapidly dwindling, conspiracy theories flying, and criminal gangs rioting, Mel must prove her innocence, uncover the truth, and revitalise Mars’ harvest before it’s too late – for everyone.

Obsah hry:

368 strán

Počet hráčov:
1 hráč
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Jazyk pravidiel:
Jane Killick
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