Marvel Champions: Age of Apocalypse
Marvel Champions: Age of Apocalypse je siedme, kampaňové rozšírenie pre hru Marvel Champions: The Card Game. Postavte sa silám Apokalypsy, najväčšiemu a najmocnejšiemu nepriateľovi X-Men. Toto rozšírenie obsahuje päť úplne nových scenárov, z ktorých každý možno hrať samostatne alebo ako súčasť väčšej kampane. Hra je v anglickom jazyku, tento jazyk je pre jej hranie nevyhnutný, preto aj bližší popis uvádzame v tomto jazyku: The end of the world has come. After defeating the likes of Magneto, Mister Sinister, and Stryfe, the X-Men and X-Force have returned home expecting some well-deserved rest. Instead, what they found is worse than anything they could have imagined: Professor X is dead, the world is in ruins, and a ruthless tyrant rules over what remains of humanity with an iron fist. Brace yourselves, heroes, for the Age of Apocalypse has arrived! Welcome to the conclusion of the “mutant trilogy” of expansions for Marvel Champions: The Card Game! As the game’s seventh campaign expansion, Age of Apocalypse brings a number of classic X-Men characters to the table, including two new playable heroes, Bishop and Magik, each of whom comes with a pre-built deck ready to play from the get-go. Face off against the forces of Apocalypse, the X-Men’s greatest and most powerful foe. This expansion includes five brand-new scenarios, each of which can be played individually or as part of a larger campaign.
Odporúčaný vek:
14 rokov
Dĺžka hry:
45-90 min.
Počet hráčov:
1-4 hráči
Jazyk hry:
45,99 €
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Doprava od 3,59 €, pri nákupe nad 69,99 € dopravu neplatíte! Osobný odber na predajni máte zadarmo.
Popis hry

Marvel Champions: Age of Apocalypse je siedme, kampaňové rozšírenie pre hru Marvel Champions: The Card Game. Postavte sa silám Apokalypsy, najväčšiemu a najmocnejšiemu nepriateľovi X-Men. Toto rozšírenie obsahuje päť úplne nových scenárov, z ktorých každý možno hrať samostatne alebo ako súčasť väčšej kampane.

Hra je v anglickom jazyku, tento jazyk je pre jej hranie nevyhnutný, preto aj bližší popis uvádzame v tomto jazyku:

The end of the world has come. After defeating the likes of Magneto, Mister Sinister, and Stryfe, the X-Men and X-Force have returned home expecting some well-deserved rest. Instead, what they found is worse than anything they could have imagined: Professor X is dead, the world is in ruins, and a ruthless tyrant rules over what remains of humanity with an iron fist. Brace yourselves, heroes, for the Age of Apocalypse has arrived!

Welcome to the conclusion of the “mutant trilogy” of expansions for Marvel Champions: The Card Game! As the game’s seventh campaign expansion, Age of Apocalypse brings a number of classic X-Men characters to the table, including two new playable heroes, Bishop and Magik, each of whom comes with a pre-built deck ready to play from the get-go. Face off against the forces of Apocalypse, the X-Men’s greatest and most powerful foe. This expansion includes five brand-new scenarios, each of which can be played individually or as part of a larger campaign.

Počet hráčov:
1-4 hráči
Dĺžka hry:
45-90 min.
Odporúčaný vek:
Jazyk hry:
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