Spartacus: A Game of Blood & Treachery
Spartacus: A Game of Blood & Treachery je napínavá hra o neľútostných zákulisných intrigách a krvavých súbojoch gladiátorov, podľa úspešného televízneho seriálu spoločnosti STARZ. V tejto hre sa hráč stáva Dominusom – hlavou jedného z rodov v rímskom meste Capua. Každý rod sa snaží získať prostredníctvom rôznych intríg a gladiátorských zápasov uznanie Ríma. Ako Dominus musíte spravovať svoje ľudské zdroje – stráže vás chránia pred intrigami neprieteľov, otroci spravujú váš dom a zarábajú vám peniaze a gladiátori pre vás získávajú slávu a uznanie v piesku arény. Hra je v anglickom jazyku a tento jazyk je pre hru potrebný, podrobnejší popis preto uvádzame v angličtine: Three main phases occur in each game round of Spartacus: A Game of Blood & Treachery. The Intrigue Phase is when players launch their Schemes, hoping to raise their fortunes while undermining their rivals. Schemes and Reactions are represented by cards in the Intrigue Deck. Players wield their Influence to put their Schemes into play, often asking for (or bribing) another player’s help in hatching the most complex plots. The Market Phase is when players buy, sell and trade Assets (Gladiators, Slaves, Equipment and Guards). Players also bid against each other to acquire new Assets at Auction. Wealth is not the only path to success as players bluff and bargain with each other to acquire the Assets they covet. The Arena Phase is when the bloody games are held. Gladiators from two rival Houses are pitted against each other in a brutal fight for glory. The spectacles of the games are represented by miniature combat on the arena board. Fighters pit their Attack, Defense and Speed dice against one another to determine the victor. All players seek to increase their fortunes by betting on the outcome of the gruesome conflict. Fighters who emerge from the arena victorious gain Favor and their Dominus gain Influence. The goal of the game is to become the most influential house in Capua, securing your family’s power for years to come. During the game, players will bribe, poison, betray, steal, blackmail, and undermine each other. Gold will change hands again and again to buy support, stay someone’s hand or influence their decisions. Will you be the honorable player whose word is their bond or the treacherous schemer whose alliances change with the wind?
Odporúčaný vek:
17 rokov
Dĺžka hry:
150 min.
Počet hráčov:
3-4 hráči
Jazyk hry:
47,99 €
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