Star Wars: Armada – Imperial Light Cruiser Expansion Pack
Na hranie tejto hry je potrebná znalosť anglického jazyka a preto podrobnejší popis uvádzame v angličtine: As seen in the Star Wars Rebels television show, the Imperial light cruiser is a communications and blockade ship used to help the Empire spread its domain throughout the galaxy. In Star Wars™: Armada, the Imperial Light Cruiser Expansion Pack presents this ship as a fast, small-base Imperial vessel that excels at providing long-range fire support from its broadsides. With its ship, its two ship cards, eight upgrades, and all requisite accessories, the Imperial Light Cruiser Expansion Pack will have you racing around the Rebels' flanks and into a new era for Imperial tactics!
Odporúčaný vek:
12 rokov
Dĺžka hry:
120 min.
Počet hráčov:
2 hráči
Jazyk hry:
Nájdite podobné hry:
23,99 €
dlhodobo nedostupné
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Doprava od 3,59 €, pri nákupe nad 69,99 € dopravu neplatíte! Osobný odber na predajni máte zadarmo.
Popis hry

Na hranie tejto hry je potrebná znalosť anglického jazyka a preto podrobnejší popis uvádzame v angličtine:

As seen in the Star Wars Rebels television show, the Imperial light cruiser is a communications and blockade ship used to help the Empire spread its domain throughout the galaxy. In Star Wars™: Armada, the Imperial Light Cruiser Expansion Pack presents this ship as a fast, small-base Imperial vessel that excels at providing long-range fire support from its broadsides. With its ship, its two ship cards, eight upgrades, and all requisite accessories, the Imperial Light Cruiser Expansion Pack will have you racing around the Rebels' flanks and into a new era for Imperial tactics!

Počet hráčov:
2 hráči
Dĺžka hry:
120 min.
Odporúčaný vek:
Jazyk hry:
Jazyk pravidiel:
Rok vydania:
Podobné hry
momentálne nedostupné
10,99 €
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