Star Wars: Armada – Rebel Fighter Squadrons II Expansion Pack
Na hranie tejto hry je potrebná znalosť anglického jazyka a preto podrobnejší popis uvádzame v angličtine: Rebel pilots are masters of improvisation, and you can bring their talents to your games of Star Wars™: Armada with the Rebel Fighter Squadrons II Expansion Pack. The venerable Z-95 Headhunter, agile Lancer-class Pursuit Craft, and sturdy VCX-100 Freighter lend new strength and tactics to your fleet, helping you win even the most desperate of battles. Together with the advanced E-wing fighter, these crafts add firepower and versatility to your Rebel forces, and their pilots carry the hopes of freedom for a beleaguered galaxy!
Odporúčaný vek:
12 rokov
Dĺžka hry:
120 min.
Počet hráčov:
2 hráči
Jazyk hry:
Nájdite podobné hry:
23,99 €
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Popis hry

Na hranie tejto hry je potrebná znalosť anglického jazyka a preto podrobnejší popis uvádzame v angličtine:

Rebel pilots are masters of improvisation, and you can bring their talents to your games of Star Wars™: Armada with the Rebel Fighter Squadrons II Expansion Pack. The venerable Z-95 Headhunter, agile Lancer-class Pursuit Craft, and sturdy VCX-100 Freighter lend new strength and tactics to your fleet, helping you win even the most desperate of battles. Together with the advanced E-wing fighter, these crafts add firepower and versatility to your Rebel forces, and their pilots carry the hopes of freedom for a beleaguered galaxy!

Počet hráčov:
2 hráči
Dĺžka hry:
120 min.
Odporúčaný vek:
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Rok vydania:
Podobné hry
momentálne nedostupné
10,99 €
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