Star Wars: X-Wing: ARC-170 Expansion Pack
Star Wars: X-Wing: ARC-170 Expansion Pack  je ďalším rozšírením pre hru Star Wars X-Wing. Toto rozšírenie spoločenskej hry Star Wars X-Wing  je v angličtine a tento jazyk je na jeho hranie potrebný, preto aj popis uvádzame v anglickom jazyku: The Rebel Alliance recovered, repaired, and retrofitted a handful of ARC-170 starfighters during the Galactic Civil War. Though somewhat antiquated, the ship was still a force to be reckoned with, featuring powerful cannons, heavy shielding, and a tail gunner. The ARC-170 Expansion Pack introduces this starfighter to X-Wing™ as a resilient vessel with two attack, an auxiliary firing arc, and both crew and astromech upgrade slots. Additionally, four ship cards introduce Poe Dameron's mother Shara Bey and three other aces while nine new upgrades permit a wide range of creative configurations.
Odporúčaný vek:
14 rokov
Dĺžka hry:
30 min.
Počet hráčov:
2 hráči
Jazyk hry:
Nájdite podobné hry:
18,99 €
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