Star Wars X-Wing (Second Edition): Hotshots and Aces Reinforcements Pack
Star Wars X-Wing (Second Edition): Hotshots and Aces Reinforcements Pack je ďalším rozšírením pre hru Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures Game (Second Edition). Toto rozšírenie spoločenskej hry Star Wars X-Wing  je v angličtine a tento jazyk je na jeho hranie potrebný, preto aj popis uvádzame v anglickom jazyku: Enhance your squadron options and launch new pilots with the Hotshots and Aces Reinforcements Pack! With upgrades available to all factions and new pilots for numerous ships in the Rebel, Imperial, Scum, Resistance, and First Order factions, you can now add iconic characters like Leia Organa, Captain Phasma, and K-2SO to your squads.
Odporúčaný vek:
14 rokov
Dĺžka hry:
30 min.
Počet hráčov:
2 hráči
Jazyk hry:
Nájdite podobné hry:
23,99 €
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Star Wars X-Wing (Second Edition): Hotshots and Aces Reinforcements Pack je ďalším rozšírením pre hru Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures Game (Second Edition).

Toto rozšírenie spoločenskej hry Star Wars X-Wing  je v angličtine a tento jazyk je na jeho hranie potrebný, preto aj popis uvádzame v anglickom jazyku:

Enhance your squadron options and launch new pilots with the Hotshots and Aces Reinforcements Pack! With upgrades available to all factions and new pilots for numerous ships in the Rebel, Imperial, Scum, Resistance, and First Order factions, you can now add iconic characters like Leia Organa, Captain Phasma, and K-2SO to your squads.

Obsah hry:

Rebel Alliance:Gina Moonsong (A/SF-01 B-Wing)
K-2SO (UT-60D U-Wing)
Leia Organa (Modified YT-1300)
Alexsandr Kallus (VCX-100)
Galactic Empire:Fifth Brother (TIE Advanced v1)
"Vagabond" (TIE/sk Striker)
Morna Kee (VT-49 Decimator)
Scum:Nom Lumb (JumpMaster 5000)
G4R-GOR V/M (M3-A Interceptor)
Bossk (Z-95-AF4 Headhunter)
Resistance:Paige Tico (MG-100 StarFortress)
Ronith Blario (RZ-2 A-Wing)
Zizi Tlo (RZ-2 A-Wing)
First Order:Captain Phasma (TIE/sf Fighter)
Lieutenant LeHuse (TIE/sf Fighter)
"Rush" (TIE/vn Silencer)

4 Talent Upgrade Cards:2 Composure
2 Snap Shot
10 Force Power Upgrade Cards:2 Brilliant Evasion
2 Foresight
2 Hate
2 Precognitive Reflexes
2 Predictive Shot
6 Tech Upgrade Cards:2 Advanced Optics
2 Pattern Analyzer
2 Primed Thrusters
2 Sensor Upgrade Cards:2 Passive Sensors
2 Cannon Upgrade Cards:2 Autoblasters
2 Torpedo Upgrade Cards:2 Plasma Torpedoes
5 Missile Upgrade Cards:2 Mag-Pulse Warheads
2 Barrage Rockets
1 Diamond-Boron Missiles
3 Crew Upgrade Cards:1 0-0-0
1 K-2SO
1 Maul
3 Gunner Upgrade Cards:2 Agile Gunner
1 BT-1
2 Illicit Upgrade Cards:2 Coaxium Hyperfuel
1 Title Upgrade Card:1 Moldy Crow
​5 Modification Upgrade Cards:2 Angled Deflectors 
3 Targeting Computer
2 Configuration Upgrade Cards:2 Stabilized S-foils


Počet hráčov:
2 hráči
Dĺžka hry:
30 min.
Odporúčaný vek:
Jazyk hry:
Jazyk pravidiel:
Jason Little
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