Star Wars X-Wing (Second Edition): Rebel Alliance Squadron starter pack
Všetko čo potrebujete pre plnohodnotný zážitok z populárnej vesmírnej prestrelky Star Wars: X-Wing! V štartovacom balení Rebel Alliance Squadron pre jedného hráča nájdete všetko potrebné. Verný odboju sa vydajte do boja na podporu Rebelov proti Galaktickej ríše. Od miniatúr cez meracie nástroje až po kocky a žetóny, všetky základné komponenty pre Star Wars: X-Wing nájdete v tejto sade. Štyri ikonické lode rebelov zahrnuté v tomto štartovacom balíčku sa môžu pochváliť dostatočnou palebnou silou, aby rozdrvili letku nepriateľa a ukázali galaxii, že Impérium ešte nezvíťazilo a nádej žije! Spoločenská hra Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures Game je v angličtine a tento jazyk je na jej hranie potrebný, preto aj komplexnejší popis uvádzame v anglickom jazyku: Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures Game is a tactical ship-to-ship combat game in which players take control of powerful Rebel X-wings and nimble Imperial TIE fighters, facing them against each other in fast-paced space combat. Featuring stunningly detailed and painted miniatures, the X-Wing Miniatures Game recreates exciting Star Wars space combat throughout its several included scenarios. Select your crew, plan your maneuvers, and complete your mission! Whatever your chosen vessel, the rules of X-Wing facilitate fast and visceral gameplay that puts you in the middle of Star Wars fiercest firefights. Each ship type has its own unique piloting dial, which is used to secretly select a speed and maneuver each turn. After planning maneuvers, each ship's dial is revealed and executed (starting with the lowest skilled pilot). So whether you rush headlong toward your enemy showering his forward deflectors in laser fire, or dance away from him as you attempt to acquire a targeting lock, you'll be in total control throughout all the tense dogfighting action.
Odporúčaný vek:
14 rokov
Dĺžka hry:
30 min.
Počet hráčov:
2 hráči
Jazyk hry:
59,99 €
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