The Legendary: Venom Small Box expansion je rozšírenie k Legendary: A Marvel Deck Building Game. Obsahuje okrem iného 5 nových hrdinov a dvoch zloduchov.
Legendary: A Marvel Deck Building Game je kompletne v anglickom jazyku a preto aj podrobnejší popis uvádzame v angličtine:
Legendary: A Marvel Deck Building Game is set in the Marvel Comics universe. To set up the game, players choose a number of hero decks – Spider-Man, Hulk, Cyclops, Wolverine, etc. – and shuffle them together; since players use only a handful of hero decks out of the fifteen included, the hero deck can vary widely in terms of what's available. Players then choose a mastermind villain (Magneto, Loki, Dr. Doom, etc.), stack that particular villain's attack cards underneath it, then modify the villain deck as needed based on that villain's particular scheme.